Healthy Spiced Cashews

These cashews are the perfect holiday snack :) - and the perfect quick holiday gift for all those on your list that you are now remembering at the last minute!!


I'm curious - are you looking at the ingredients for these spiced cashews and wondering - are these really healthy?? Aren't cashews the high in fat?  Doesn't butter clog your arteries? And brown sugar - shouldn't you be using maple syrup?? or maybe stevia??

I would imagine that if you are reading this, you care about your health. But the question you should ask is: What does “healthy” mean??

Does health consist of the correct proportion of vitamins and minerals, the consumption and burning of calories?  Or does healthy mean the absence of disease, the infrequency of sickness, or feeling energized? Does healthy mean “at peace” or “not stressed” or “satisfied”?

Does your “healthy” refer only to your physical body, or does your psychological, spiritual, and social health also need to be examined?

As a health coach, I am convinced that health is holistic. And my guess is that you instinctively agree.  

In my health coaching practice, I find that life change occurs when we begin to see how our physical, social, psychological, and spiritual health is all connected.  

We all know that there is not enough kale in the world to make us consistently full of joy and peace, and we could never do the perfect number of squats to keep our relationships strong.  In order to be healthy, we need to focus not just on one aspect of our lives, but on every aspect. Then we will truly be healthy and WHOLE.


These cashews are awesome for the health of your relationships,  (Give them as a gift and you will see :)), and are also a perfect way to remember that life is sweet and meant to be enjoyed!!  (Maybe in all the hustle and bustle you need to remember this and be filled with thanksgiving!)

Enjoy these treats and remember - feasting is a healthy practice! (Indulging in delicious whole foods is totally the way to go.) 

I hope you are filled with joy this season!

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Spiced Cashews

  • 1 lb roasted, salted cashews

  • 1/4 C butter

  • 5 tbsp brown sugar

  • 1/4 C chopped rosemary

  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (adjust this amount depending on your spice preference!)

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees. Spread cashews out in a single layer on a foil lined baking sheet. Roast for 5 minutes, or until fragrant and starting to toast. Combine cashews with remaining ingredients in large bowl, and mix.  

Spread onto a sheet of parchment paper and let cool completely.  Wrap in parchment paper, store in mason jars, or give as gifts!

Enjoy friends :)

