Health + discovery CLEANSE CLUB

The goal of “cleansing” is to enable your body to rid itself of toxins, and rest.

Nourishing and caring for your body should not feel like depriving yourself - That’s why our two guided cleanses focus on the practice of rest and refreshment. Through either our healing Kitchari Cleanse or our Juice Cleanse you will learn to listen to your body and discover how to continue practicing healthy habits. Explore the cleanses below to determine which is right for you.

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Kitchari is a healing, Ayurvedic dish that provides rest to our digestive systems, while nourishing our bodies with essential vitamins, minerals and proteins. The Ayurvedic tradition believes that all healing begins with proper digestion.  This is beautifully in-line with all the recent scientific discoveries of our diverse and powerful microbiome. The goal of this entire cleanse is to enable our bodies the opportunity to rest, and rid itself from toxins.

During this 3 day Kitchari Cleanse, you will eat a traditional Ayurvedic soup - made of mung beans, rice, and spices - three times daily for three days. The ingredients and spices in this soup are beneficial for your digestive organs, and will give your body a chance to heal, build your immunity, and prepare for the cooler months ahead.  The three days after your cleanse, you will eat a vegan diet as a re-entry into healthy eating.

The Price of this cleanse is $125.

You will receive:

  • Cleanse Kit with all the ingredients to make your Kitchari - delivered to your door.

  • Teas, tonics, and resources catered to your body and lifestyle to assist you through your cleanse, included in your kit.

  • 4 days of vegan recipes post-cleanse, for your re-entry into healthy eating.

  • 1 week of text support. Daily communication, with tips, encouragement and educational facts to keep you motivated and amazed by your incredible body.


The Benefits:

  • MORE ENERGY! (you might not even recognize the feeling…)

  • Glowing skin

  • Feeling lean where you were feeling "puffy" **while losing weight is not the goal of this cleanse, Cleanse Club members have reported losing up to 7lbs over this amazing week of self care.**

  • Renewed confidence that you can keep commitments that you make to yourself with regard to your own health

  • Change in cravings so that what you want to eat is the same thing as what is nutritionally best for your body

  • Positive effect on your mood and ability to concentrate and create

  • Relief from seasonal allergies as your body detoxes and is refreshed
